Monday, May 18, 2015


This month in primary we have been learning about the principles and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am the primary chorister and decided I would teach the song "Faith" this month to go with that theme. With that in mind I decided tonight's FHE would be on Faith. This lesson is for my nephews... they are all so much fun and I thought they might like our activity tonight. So here we go...

Opening Song: The Fourth Article of Faith Children's Song Book Page 124

Start by printing off the following picture and cutting the boat into 5 pieces. (Each piece has a scripture on it)
You will use this puzzle to teach about Faith.

Introduce the topic:
Ask your family what faith means to them. Tell the following story found in a talk given by Elder Tuttle in a 1986 General Conference. The full talk can be found here. It would be fun to have a picture of a space shuttle as well like the one below...

I was told of a conversation by a Primary teacher, who related what transpired in his class. He was teaching the eleven-year-olds. He asked the question, “Suppose the Lord asked you to build a spaceship big enough to take you and your family and provisions off this planet? Could you do it?”
Steve spoke up and said, “Yes.”
And the teacher said, “Have you ever built a spaceship?”
“Have you ever built a model spaceship?”
“Have you ever seen one?”
Steve said, “Yes, on TV.” But then he declared, “You said the Lord told me to build it. If the Lord told me to build it, I could do it.”

Questions to ask:
Why was Steve so confident that he could build a space ship?
How would he do it?
How would the Lord help Steve?

Object Lesson:
Using the puzzle pieces continue talking about Faith.
There are 5 steps to building our Faith in our Savior Jesus Christ.
First, we must BELIEVE..
Lay out the bottom of the sailboat with the word "believe" on it. Have the family turn to the scripture listed and then discuss.
Next, we must ACT.  Lay out the mast and read and discuss the scripture.
Third, we must PRAY. Lay out the sail and read and discuss the scripture.
Fourth, we must STUDY. Lay out the sail and read and discuss the scripture.
Last, we must CHOOSE THE RIGHT always. Lay out the final flag and read and discuss the scripture.
Thoughts to share:
Just like Nephi was commanded to build a boat the Lord has things for us to do and with FAITH we can do them. We must strengthen our faith by doing the things we talked about as we built our boat and if we do we will be successful just as Nephi was in building his boat.

Ask your family for other examples of faith in the scriptures.

Goal for this week:
"I will build my faith in Jesus Christ by..."

Soap Boat Races
Build soap boats with your family as shown here.
You can race them in a gutter like the blogger suggests or we have a park near by that has a little shallow stream running through it that we will race our boats in. It is supposed to rain here today so we could even race them out in front of our house in the rain gutter ;) or just use the bath tub to have some sail boat fun. Do what works for your family!

Closing Song: Nephi's Courage Children's Song Book Page 120

Tonight's Treat:
Brownie Mud Pie

Make your favorite brownie recipe or brownie mix. Follow recipe instructions EXCEPT bake in a 9x13 pan for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
Allow brownies to cool.
Thaw a container of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream for about 20 minutes or until you can spread it.
Spread over the brownies and place in freezer to set.
Melt 3/4 cup chocolate chips with a 1/2 cup whipping cream. I just put them in a bowl, microwave for about 1 minute and then stir until melted. Spread this mixture over the top of the ice cream and brownies. Return to freezer to set.
Make 1 cup of fresh whipped cream or buy a container of cool whip.
Spread on top of brownie, ice cream, and chocolate. Put in freezer to set.
Store in freezer!
I actually made mine in a 7x11 pan so the brownies were thicker and then only used about half the container of ice cream and we really enjoyed it this way.

Hope you have a great Family Home Evening1


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