Monday, June 1, 2015

Summer of Secret Service and Remember Elder Perry

We lost one of our apostles this past weekend. Elder L. Tom Perry was an amazing man that dedicated his life to bringing others to Christ. His smile and wise words will be missed. Tonight for FHE I wanted to start a little Summer Challenge with my family. I want to focus on the importance of serving others as our Savior did. I want my family to take the time to make others happy and in turn feel closer to our Heavnly Father. Elder Perry was a great example of service so we will use his example to begin our own "Summer of Secret Service". Here is tonight's lesson...

You will need: Scriptures, GAB Page 44 (The Good Samaritan), Children's Song Book or use the links in the lesson, Crayons or markers, Paper flowers ( see link), Smiley faces ( link below) or small spiral notebooks for each family member.

Opening Song: Give Said The Little Stream Children's Song Book 236

Play the following song for your family: When We're Helping Children's Song Book 198

What is this song about? What was our opening song about? Can you think of another word that means the same as helping? Can you think of a synonym?

Service is another word or way that we can HELP others.

Read the following scripture together: Mosiah 2:17
This scripture teaches us that when we serve others we are showing our love for our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ.

Show the following picture: The Good Samaritan GAB 44
Tell the story of the Good Samaritan or read it in the scriptures here.

Questions to Ask:
Why did the Priest and Levite pass the man by? Do we sometimes pass people by that need our help?  We can strive to be good Samaritans by helping others just like the Savior was trying to teach in this story.
What are some ways that we can serve each other or help each other here in our home? What about in our neighborhood? How can we serve or help others at school or at church?

There are many people in our church that help others everyday like our bishop or the prophet, or primary teachers. I am going to show you a picture of someone that helped others his entire life. Let's see if we can figure out who it is...

Show the following picture of Elder Perry as a boy: (Top row, left)

Use the following biography to share some highlights of his life. You might want to also share some of the other pictures found in the bio.
Elder L. Tom Perry

Elder Perry dedicated his life to helping others find joy and feel our Savior's love. I want our family to follow the example of the Savior and help others like Elder Perry did. Remember we talked about ways we could help others earlier, do you think we can try to help others this summer by doing SECRET SERVICE?? Let's try!

Pass out paper flowers and have family color them.
Have your family each write a kind note to a neighbor. Attach straws to the flowers and put them in a vase or bottle. Or just take the flowers and tape them to the neighbors door. Have your family go and leave the flowers at the neighbors door... try not to get caught! Keep it secret if you like!

Summer Goal: We will serve others secretly each week to help them feel of the Savior's love!

For younger ones I thought it would be fun to use an idea from a primary manual. Give each family a smiley face. Have them hang it somewhere they will see it often. Hang them upside down so it looks like a frowny face. When you have served someone or helped  someone flip the smiley face right side up! Start each day or week over again.

For older kids I thought it would be fun to buy inexpensive spiral notebooks and keep a private service journal. Have the kids record their acts of kindness or service and how it made them feel. You can share entries with each other or keep it private.

We are going to do the service journals in our house and try and keep it up all summer so it is a summer full of secret service. I really want to teach Madison the importance of helping and serving those around us. It seems like when I am focused on others instead of myself I appreciate and am more grateful for what I have. Summer gets busy and is full of fun and often kids get bored. I want to encourage Madi as she grows that there is always good that can be done. We can help others and find joy in doing it. Hope you have a fabulous family night!
Love, Amanda

Tonight's Treat:
"Wendy's" Homemade Frosty
Recipe found here.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Honoring and Learning from our Veterans: Obedience

It has been a fun day for our little family! I apologize for getting this out so late. My goal for the upcoming weeks is to have the FHE lesson posted on Thursday so that there is more time to prep. But, for tonight this will have to do. Family comes first and today belonged to them!
We wanted to honor the veterans that have fought and continue to fight to protect our freedoms. My little family is safe and allowed to live in a free country because of those men and women that choose to give of their time to defend what is so important to us. We appreciate those families that have sacrificed time with their loved one or even lost their family members all in protecting this great nation. Tonight we honor and remember our veterans! Thank you!

Opening Song: A little different tonight but this really set the tone for our family. Listen and watch this video by The Piano Guys found here. "Bring Him Home"
You may also want to share the lyrics of this song with your family. You can find them here.

Today is Memorial Day, a holiday set aside to remember those that have fought to protect our freedoms. Many men and women fought during WWII to protect freedom. This included Elder Tom L. Perry. Share this story of obedience with your family.

I received a special gift last Christmas that brought with it many memories. My niece gave it to me. It had been among the things I had left in our old family home when I moved out after I was married. The gift was this little brown book I hold in my hand. It is a book that was given to LDS servicemen who entered the armed forces during World War II. I personally viewed the book as a gift from President Heber J. Grant and his counselors, J. Reuben Clark Jr. and David O. McKay.
In the front of the book, these three prophets of God wrote: “The incidents of the armed service do not permit our keeping in constant personal touch with you, either directly or by personal representation. Our next best course is to put in your hands such portions of modern revelation and of explanations of the principles of the Gospel as shall bring to you, wherever you may be, renewed hope and faith, as likewise comfort, consolation, and peace of spirit.”1
Today we find ourselves in another war. This is not a war of armaments. It is a war of thoughts, words, and deeds. It is a war with sin, and more than ever we need to be reminded of the commandments. Secularism is becoming the norm, and many of its beliefs and practices are in direct conflict with those that were instituted by the Lord Himself for the benefit of His children.
In the little brown book, immediately after the letter from the First Presidency, there is a “Prefatory Note to Men in the Service,” titled “Obedience to Law Is Liberty.” The note draws a parallel between military law, which is “for the good of all who are in the service,” and divine law.
It states, “In the universe, too, where God is in command, there is law—universal, eternal … law—with certain blessings and immutable penalties.”
The final words of the note focus on obedience to God’s law: “If you wish to return to your loved ones with head erect, … if you would be a man and live abundantly—then observe God’s law. In so doing you can add to those priceless freedoms which you are struggling to preserve, another on which the others may well depend, freedom from sin; for truly ‘obedience to law is liberty."
The whole talk can be found here.  It's a great talk!
Questions to ask:
Why was the little brown book important?
How can our lives be blessed if we live obediently?
Watch the following Mormon Message. Ask your family to think about OBEDIENCE. What is this video teaching us about obedience and why is it important?
Video can be found here.
Goal for this week:
"I will be more obedient by..."
Tonight our family wrote "Thank You" cards to the veterans in our ward family. We want to make sure they know we appreciate their example of sacrifice, service, obedience.
Tonight's Treat:
Welcome summer!
Hope you had a great Memorial Day and fabulous FHE!

Monday, May 18, 2015


This month in primary we have been learning about the principles and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am the primary chorister and decided I would teach the song "Faith" this month to go with that theme. With that in mind I decided tonight's FHE would be on Faith. This lesson is for my nephews... they are all so much fun and I thought they might like our activity tonight. So here we go...

Opening Song: The Fourth Article of Faith Children's Song Book Page 124

Start by printing off the following picture and cutting the boat into 5 pieces. (Each piece has a scripture on it)
You will use this puzzle to teach about Faith.

Introduce the topic:
Ask your family what faith means to them. Tell the following story found in a talk given by Elder Tuttle in a 1986 General Conference. The full talk can be found here. It would be fun to have a picture of a space shuttle as well like the one below...

I was told of a conversation by a Primary teacher, who related what transpired in his class. He was teaching the eleven-year-olds. He asked the question, “Suppose the Lord asked you to build a spaceship big enough to take you and your family and provisions off this planet? Could you do it?”
Steve spoke up and said, “Yes.”
And the teacher said, “Have you ever built a spaceship?”
“Have you ever built a model spaceship?”
“Have you ever seen one?”
Steve said, “Yes, on TV.” But then he declared, “You said the Lord told me to build it. If the Lord told me to build it, I could do it.”

Questions to ask:
Why was Steve so confident that he could build a space ship?
How would he do it?
How would the Lord help Steve?

Object Lesson:
Using the puzzle pieces continue talking about Faith.
There are 5 steps to building our Faith in our Savior Jesus Christ.
First, we must BELIEVE..
Lay out the bottom of the sailboat with the word "believe" on it. Have the family turn to the scripture listed and then discuss.
Next, we must ACT.  Lay out the mast and read and discuss the scripture.
Third, we must PRAY. Lay out the sail and read and discuss the scripture.
Fourth, we must STUDY. Lay out the sail and read and discuss the scripture.
Last, we must CHOOSE THE RIGHT always. Lay out the final flag and read and discuss the scripture.
Thoughts to share:
Just like Nephi was commanded to build a boat the Lord has things for us to do and with FAITH we can do them. We must strengthen our faith by doing the things we talked about as we built our boat and if we do we will be successful just as Nephi was in building his boat.

Ask your family for other examples of faith in the scriptures.

Goal for this week:
"I will build my faith in Jesus Christ by..."

Soap Boat Races
Build soap boats with your family as shown here.
You can race them in a gutter like the blogger suggests or we have a park near by that has a little shallow stream running through it that we will race our boats in. It is supposed to rain here today so we could even race them out in front of our house in the rain gutter ;) or just use the bath tub to have some sail boat fun. Do what works for your family!

Closing Song: Nephi's Courage Children's Song Book Page 120

Tonight's Treat:
Brownie Mud Pie

Make your favorite brownie recipe or brownie mix. Follow recipe instructions EXCEPT bake in a 9x13 pan for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
Allow brownies to cool.
Thaw a container of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream for about 20 minutes or until you can spread it.
Spread over the brownies and place in freezer to set.
Melt 3/4 cup chocolate chips with a 1/2 cup whipping cream. I just put them in a bowl, microwave for about 1 minute and then stir until melted. Spread this mixture over the top of the ice cream and brownies. Return to freezer to set.
Make 1 cup of fresh whipped cream or buy a container of cool whip.
Spread on top of brownie, ice cream, and chocolate. Put in freezer to set.
Store in freezer!
I actually made mine in a 7x11 pan so the brownies were thicker and then only used about half the container of ice cream and we really enjoyed it this way.

Hope you have a great Family Home Evening1


Monday, May 4, 2015

100 Years of FHE!

Did you know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints admonished us to hold "family night" once a week 100 years ago? Family Night or Family Home Evening is a time to gather our little ones around us and teach them of our Savior and the love He has for each of us. It should be a fun evening not something that is dreaded... easier said than done right?! So for tonight's Family Home Evening let's celebrate! In our home we are going to have a little birthday party for FHE. Here is our plan...

Opening Song: Family Night Children's Song Book 195

Introduction: Read a portion of the original letter sent to members of the church encouraging them to begin holding Family Night. It can be found in the April 2015 Ensign Magazine here.
One of my favorite points from this letter is that Family Night should "studiously avoid stiffness and formality". Family Home Evening should be fun.
Questions to Ask: How can we make FHE more fun in our family while still centering it on our Savior?
I also loved this promise that we will discuss: " If the Saints obey this counsel, we promise that great blessings will result. Love at home and obedience to parents will increase. Faith will be developed in the hearts of the youth of Israel, and they will gain power to combat the evil influences and temptations which beset them."
What great promised blessings are in store if we consistently come together as a family!

Lesson: Continue the discussion on the importance of FHE. Choose a few quotes from some of the prophets to have family members read. They can be found here.
My favorite quote was from President Monson that came from a talk he gave in 2005 called: "Constant Truths for Changing Times". Here's the portion of the talk that focuses on FHE:
I begin with family home evening. We cannot afford to neglect this heaven-inspired program. It can bring spiritual growth to each member of the family, helping him or her to withstand the temptations which are everywhere. The lessons learned in the home are those that last the longest. As President Gordon B. Hinckley and his predecessors have stated, “The home is the basis of a righteous life, and no other instrumentality can take its place nor fulfill its essential functions.” 2
Dr. Glenn J. Doman, noted author and medical authority, wrote: “The newborn child is almost an exact duplicate of an empty … computer, although superior to such a computer in almost every way. … What is placed in the child’s [mind] during the first eight years of life is probably there to stay. … If you put misinformation into his [mind] during [this period], it is extremely difficult to erase it.” Dr. Doman added that the most receptive age in human life is that of two or three years. 3
I like this thought: “Your mind is a cupboard, and you stock the shelves.” Let us make certain that our cupboard shelves, and those of our family members, are stocked with the things which will provide safety to our souls and enable us to return to our Father in Heaven. Such shelves could well be stocked with gospel scholarship, faith, prayer, love, service, obedience, example, and kindness
The full talk can be found here.

 Favorite Family Home Evenings
You will need:
1 Jar or other container
Popsicle Sticks or Slips of Paper
Markers, Pens

What to do: I thought it would be fun as part of our celebration tonight to create a jar full of our favorite FHE activities. There are some great ideas on the church's website here. Have each family member write down some of their favorite things to do for family night (one per popsicle stick or slip of paper). Read what everyone has written to make sure you don't have any duplicates. Then, drop them in the container and use them to plan future FHE activities. I will post a picture of ours tomorrow after we have made it.

Closing Song: Families Can Be Together Forever C.S.B. (Page 188)

Tonight's Treat:
Black Forest Trifle from "A Baker's Wife"
Recipe Found here.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Restoration and Powerful Prayer

This month in primary (our church's meetings for children age 3-11) our theme is the Restoration of Christ's church through Joseph Smith. With this in mind I thought it would be good for my little family to talk about the first vision and the power of prayer in our own lives. I know that our Savior and Heavenly Father appeared to young Joseph and through him restored the same church that existed in our Savior's time, even Christ's church. I want my little Madi to gain this testimony and its through prayer that each of us can do that. Prayer is such a powerful tool and since we talked about prayer a little last week as part of our "Testimony Toolbox" I wanted to expand on it. I hope this family home evening will help us all to remember the importance of prayer and what happened in the Sacred Grove when a young boy knelt seeking answers.

Tonight's Lesson: The Restoration and Powerful Prayer

Opening Song: Family Prayer Children's Songbook Page 189

Introduction: Play "Name That Prophet" Using a picture of Jospeh Smith like the one found here. Print it out and cover it with the puzzle pieces I have created. Read the facts  I have put together about Joseph and  have a family member take off one piece after each fact.  See if they can guess who the prophet is from the facts and the picture that will eventually be uncovered.
Fact Sheet: Use or create your own!

Puzzle Pieces to cover your picture of Joseph Smith. It should open as a JPeg and you can make it the size you need it or just write numbers on a piece of paper... keep it simple.
After uncovering the picture and talking about the prophet and what your family already knows read this story that Elder Uchtdorf shared in general conference in 2005. Full talk can be found here. You may need to give some background so that your family understands the story. What is an organ? Have you seen ______ playing it on Sunday. Organs used to be powered by young men instead of electricity.

The Zwickau chapel had an old air-driven organ. Every Sunday a young man was assigned to push up and down the sturdy lever operating the bellows to make the organ work. Even before I was an Aaronic Priesthood bearer, I sometimes had the great privilege to assist in this important task.

While the congregation sang our beloved hymns of the Restoration, I pumped with all my strength so the organ would not run out of wind. The eyes of the organist unmistakably indicated whether I was doing fine or needed to increase my efforts quickly. I always felt honored by the importance of this duty and the trust that the organist had placed in me. It was a wonderful feeling of accomplishment to have a responsibility and to be part of this great work.

There was an additional benefit that came from this assignment: the bellows operator sat in a seat that offered a great view of a stained-glass window that beautified the front part of the chapel. The stained glass portrayed the First Vision, with Joseph Smith kneeling in the Sacred Grove, looking up toward heaven and into a pillar of light.

During the hymns of the congregation and even during talks and testimonies given by our members, I often looked at this depiction of a most sacred moment in world history. In my mind’s eye I saw Joseph receiving knowledge, witness, and divine instructions as he became a blessed instrument in the hand of our Heavenly Father.

I felt a special spirit while looking at the beautiful scene in this window picture of a believing young boy in a sacred grove who made a courageous decision to earnestly pray to our Heavenly Father, who listened and responded lovingly to him.

Here I was, a young boy in post–World War II Germany, living in a city in ruins, thousands of miles away from Palmyra in North America and more than a hundred years after the event actually took place. By the universal power of the Holy Ghost, I felt in my heart and in my mind that it was true, that Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ and heard Their voices. The Spirit of God comforted my soul at this young age with an assurance of the reality of this sacred moment that resulted in the beginning of a worldwide movement destined to “roll forth, until it has filled the whole earth” (D&C 65:2). I believed Joseph Smith’s testimony of that glorious experience in the Sacred Grove then, and I know it now. God has spoken to mankind again!

Questions to ask:
What did Elder Uchtdorf learn as he pumped the organ for his congregation?

Read the story of the First Vision found in Joseph Smith History 1:10, 11-12, 13, 16, 17. You could also watch The Restoration movie the Church has put out. It can be found here. It was one of my favorite DVDs to show on my mission.
Discuss with your family the importance of this prayer.
If you have older children and longer attention spans I really enjoyed this video clip on the importance of the restoration found here.

Questions to ask:
How can prayer help us in our own lives?

Share this story from the Friend told by Elder Faust. Full Friend article can be found here.

Family prayer is a powerful and sustaining influence [a long-lasting power to help us change for good]. During the dark days of World War II, a 500-pound [225-kg] bomb fell outside the little home of Brother Patey, a young father in Liverpool, England, but the bomb did not go off. His wife had died, so he was rearing his five children alone. He gathered them together at this very anxious time for family prayer. They “all prayed … earnestly and when they had finished praying, the children said: ‘Daddy, we will be all right. We will be all right in our home tonight.’
“And so they went to bed, imagine, with that terrific bomb lying just outside the door half submerged in the ground. If it had gone off it would have destroyed probably forty or fifty houses and killed two or three hundred people. …
“The next morning the … whole neighborhood was removed for forty-eight hours and the bomb was finally taken away. …
“On the way back Brother Patey asked the foreman of the [bomb disposal] squad: ‘Well, what did you find?’
“‘Mr. Patey, we got at the bomb outside of your door and found it ready to explode at any moment. There was nothing wrong with it. We are puzzled why it did not go off’” (Andre K. Anastasiou, in Conference Report, Oct. 1946, 26). Miraculous things happen when families pray together.
Questions to ask:
How did prayer help this family in the story?
What are some things we should include in our prayers?
Activity Idea: It might be fun to go on a "Prayer Walk". Go outside with your family and find things to include in your prayers. Ideas... neighbors who might need a specific blessing, gratitude for beautiful creations, or gratitude for home and each other.
This Week's Goal:
We will show faith like Joseph Smith as we pray to our Heavenly Father.
Tonight's Treat:
Nutella Brownies
 (We served these to the missionaries from our church tonight and they are missionary approved!)
Recipe found here.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Today in primary we started learning a new song that testifies of our Savior. After listening to our sweet little ones sing this song with such conviction I decided I wanted to focus our Family Home Evening on strengthening our testimonies. During testimony meeting today one of the brothers talked about the need to continually work on strengthening our testimony so that it doesn't atrophy. So I came up with a fun, toddler friendly (for my sister and her little family) FHE. I would love feedback so if you see a way I can improve or would like something else included please let me know. I am trying to get these up and posted by Sunday evening so that we all have a little more time to prep. So here is tomorrow's fabulous FHE!

Our Testimony Toolbox: Strengthening Our Foundation in Christ

Opening Song:  The Church of Jesus Christ, Page 77 Children's Songbook

Introduction to lesson and activity:
Use plastic cups or blocks and have family members build a strong tower. After giving them a few minutes to build their towers talk about what makes a strong tower. Ask them how a strong foundation can help the tower or building to be stronger. Explain what a foundation is if that term is unfamiliar to the children. Read the following story that President Monson shared in the May 2009 Friend: (You might want to pull up a picture of a road full of potholes)

A Strong Road

In 1959, I met N. Eldon Tanner (1898–1982), who later would be a counselor to four Presidents of the Church. President Tanner was president of the Canada Calgary Stake. We discussed the cold Canadian winters, where temperatures can linger well below freezing and icy winds lower those temperatures even further.
I asked President Tanner why the roads in western Canada remained intact during such winters, showing little or no signs of cracking or breaking, while road surfaces in many areas where winters are less cold and less severe developed cracks and breaks and potholes.
Said he, “The answer is in the depth of the base of the paving materials. In order for them to remain strong and unbroken, it is necessary to go very deep with the foundation layers. When the foundations are not deep enough, the surfaces cannot withstand the extremes of weather.”
Ask the family:  What do we need to build strong foundations and buildings??? TOOLS
Just like strong buildings we need tools to  build strong testimonies which are our foundations in Christ.
Read Helaman 5:12 to continue the discussion on building a strong foundation.
Object Lesson: (This idea came from this month's Friend and can be found here. ) Either use the pictures found in the Friend, the kid's play toolbox, or the Mr.'s toolbox and  fill it with some tools. Label the tools with the following words: 1. Scripture Study  2. Prayer  3. Temple  4. Family Home Evening  5. Service (added from President Monson's May 2009 Friend article, see above) Using the Friend link talk about how each "tool" can strengthen our testimony and the blessings that are promised if we use each tool. After talking about each tool rebuild your cup or block towers but have labels for the "foundation pieces" using the tools. Here is a picture so it makes more sense:
You could use mailing labels or just write it on the cup! Just keep it simple!
Questions to Ask:
If we build our testimony on these principles how will we be blessed?
Does our family's foundation need work? Is there one area that we can focus on this week to build a stronger testimony of our Savior?

This Week's Goal:
*Pass out sticky notes or slips of paper to each family member to set a personal goal.
"I will strengthen my testimony this week by..."

I know our family will probably want to keep building towers! Have fun competing to see who can build a cup tower "minute to win it" style. Can you build the tower in under a minute without it falling? If it falls start again until the minute is up!!

Closing Song: Testimony, Page 137 LDS Hymn Book

Tonight's Treat:

New England Banana Bread
1 1/4 Cups Sugar
1/2 Cup Butter
2 Eggs
1 1/2 Cups Mashed Banana *the more banana the better the bread!
1/2 Cup Buttermilk or Clabber
 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
2 1/2 Cups Flour
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1 Teaspoon Salt
Mix and pour into pans. Sprinkle tops with sugar. Bake @ 350 degrees fro 45-50 minutes. Yields: 3 medium loaves. (I like to use my small loaf pans and I get 4 little loaves perfect for sharing if they make it out of the kitchen!)

Hope this idea helps you have a Fabulous Family Home Evening!


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Countdown to Easter


But I want Little Miss to know the real importance behind this holiday. It really is all about our Savior Jesus Christ and the precious gift He has given each of us. So, our Family Home Evening will start tonight but then each night until Easter we do a little reading to continue the celebration of our Savior. This activity would work well to do all in one evening so do what is best for your family!
Opening Song:  He Sent His Son Page 34 in the Children's Songbook.
Introduce Topic: Watch the short video from last year's #Becauseofhim campaign.
I loved this video when the LDS church brought this out last year. It's a great jumping off point to talk about what the Savior has done for us.
Easter Countdown Activity:
I found on a great activity from an old edition of the Friend that gave me the idea for tonight's lesson. I am going to take the activity found here:
and create a little advent calendar like countdown. My other thought was to do an egg hunt around the house and each egg would contain one of the pictures and scriptures but since, Little Miss is only 6 months old it would pretty much mean her Daddy would have to do the hunting and I don't think he would appreciate that much. So, I am going to create a garland of eggs and then tonight we will do 8, 7, 6 to get us caught up (you'll see what I mean when you look at the above link) and then continue doing one egg a night the rest of the week until Easter Sunday.

Tonight we will focus on the Savior's journey to Bethany. Martha's service to Christ, Palm Sunday, and Christ's time in the Temple.
Questions to ask: 
Why would Martha be willing to wash the Savior's feet and dry them with her hair? What a great example of service. How can we follow Martha's example?
I might share this personal story: My mom followed Martha's example literally while she was at girl's camp with us one year. She brought a foot bath with her and at the end of our day hike when we were gathered back in our cabins relaxing for the evening she went around to each girl and washed their feet. At first I was pretty grossed out... come on our feet were disgusting after a dusty day of hiking but looking back I know and understand what she was trying to teach us. She taught us through her example that service and love have no bounds. Martha loved the Savior and she was willing to wash his dirty feet to show her love. My mom showed her love for each of us and I know the girls she served appreciated it and felt of her love.

What took place in the temple? Why was the Savior upset? What do you love about the temple?

This Week's Goal:
Encourage family to serve each other this week and as they do think of the service Martha gave the Savior, the people gave as they laid palm leaves down for him, and the service the Savior gave to those that were blind and lame. Make a plan to attend the temple and feel of the sweet spirit there.
"I will follow the example of Savior this week by..."

Closing Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again Page 64 Children's Songbook
Tonight's Treat:
My sister in-law pinned these on Pinterest. I would probably have my family make these with me so they can understand the concept...
Empty Tomb Rolls