Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Countdown to Easter


But I want Little Miss to know the real importance behind this holiday. It really is all about our Savior Jesus Christ and the precious gift He has given each of us. So, our Family Home Evening will start tonight but then each night until Easter we do a little reading to continue the celebration of our Savior. This activity would work well to do all in one evening so do what is best for your family!
Opening Song:  He Sent His Son Page 34 in the Children's Songbook. 
Introduce Topic: Watch the short video from last year's #Becauseofhim campaign. 
I loved this video when the LDS church brought this out last year. It's a great jumping off point to talk about what the Savior has done for us.
Easter Countdown Activity:
I found on a great activity from an old edition of the Friend that gave me the idea for tonight's lesson. I am going to take the activity found here: 
and create a little advent calendar like countdown. My other thought was to do an egg hunt around the house and each egg would contain one of the pictures and scriptures but since, Little Miss is only 6 months old it would pretty much mean her Daddy would have to do the hunting and I don't think he would appreciate that much. So, I am going to create a garland of eggs and then tonight we will do 8, 7, 6 to get us caught up (you'll see what I mean when you look at the above link) and then continue doing one egg a night the rest of the week until Easter Sunday.

Tonight we will focus on the Savior's journey to Bethany. Martha's service to Christ, Palm Sunday, and Christ's time in the Temple.
Questions to ask: 
Why would Martha be willing to wash the Savior's feet and dry them with her hair? What a great example of service. How can we follow Martha's example?
I might share this personal story: My mom followed Martha's example literally while she was at girl's camp with us one year. She brought a foot bath with her and at the end of our day hike when we were gathered back in our cabins relaxing for the evening she went around to each girl and washed their feet. At first I was pretty grossed out... come on our feet were disgusting after a dusty day of hiking but looking back I know and understand what she was trying to teach us. She taught us through her example that service and love have no bounds. Martha loved the Savior and she was willing to wash his dirty feet to show her love. My mom showed her love for each of us and I know the girls she served appreciated it and felt of her love.

What took place in the temple? Why was the Savior upset? What do you love about the temple?

This Week's Goal:
Encourage family to serve each other this week and as they do think of the service Martha gave the Savior, the people gave as they laid palm leaves down for him, and the service the Savior gave to those that were blind and lame. Make a plan to attend the temple and feel of the sweet spirit there.
"I will follow the example of Savior this week by..."

Closing Song: Did Jesus Really Live Again Page 64 Children's Songbook
Tonight's Treat:
My sister in-law pinned these on Pinterest. I would probably have my family make these with me so they can understand the concept...
Empty Tomb Rolls 


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