Sunday, April 12, 2015


Today in primary we started learning a new song that testifies of our Savior. After listening to our sweet little ones sing this song with such conviction I decided I wanted to focus our Family Home Evening on strengthening our testimonies. During testimony meeting today one of the brothers talked about the need to continually work on strengthening our testimony so that it doesn't atrophy. So I came up with a fun, toddler friendly (for my sister and her little family) FHE. I would love feedback so if you see a way I can improve or would like something else included please let me know. I am trying to get these up and posted by Sunday evening so that we all have a little more time to prep. So here is tomorrow's fabulous FHE!

Our Testimony Toolbox: Strengthening Our Foundation in Christ

Opening Song:  The Church of Jesus Christ, Page 77 Children's Songbook

Introduction to lesson and activity:
Use plastic cups or blocks and have family members build a strong tower. After giving them a few minutes to build their towers talk about what makes a strong tower. Ask them how a strong foundation can help the tower or building to be stronger. Explain what a foundation is if that term is unfamiliar to the children. Read the following story that President Monson shared in the May 2009 Friend: (You might want to pull up a picture of a road full of potholes)

A Strong Road

In 1959, I met N. Eldon Tanner (1898–1982), who later would be a counselor to four Presidents of the Church. President Tanner was president of the Canada Calgary Stake. We discussed the cold Canadian winters, where temperatures can linger well below freezing and icy winds lower those temperatures even further.
I asked President Tanner why the roads in western Canada remained intact during such winters, showing little or no signs of cracking or breaking, while road surfaces in many areas where winters are less cold and less severe developed cracks and breaks and potholes.
Said he, “The answer is in the depth of the base of the paving materials. In order for them to remain strong and unbroken, it is necessary to go very deep with the foundation layers. When the foundations are not deep enough, the surfaces cannot withstand the extremes of weather.”
Ask the family:  What do we need to build strong foundations and buildings??? TOOLS
Just like strong buildings we need tools to  build strong testimonies which are our foundations in Christ.
Read Helaman 5:12 to continue the discussion on building a strong foundation.
Object Lesson: (This idea came from this month's Friend and can be found here. ) Either use the pictures found in the Friend, the kid's play toolbox, or the Mr.'s toolbox and  fill it with some tools. Label the tools with the following words: 1. Scripture Study  2. Prayer  3. Temple  4. Family Home Evening  5. Service (added from President Monson's May 2009 Friend article, see above) Using the Friend link talk about how each "tool" can strengthen our testimony and the blessings that are promised if we use each tool. After talking about each tool rebuild your cup or block towers but have labels for the "foundation pieces" using the tools. Here is a picture so it makes more sense:
You could use mailing labels or just write it on the cup! Just keep it simple!
Questions to Ask:
If we build our testimony on these principles how will we be blessed?
Does our family's foundation need work? Is there one area that we can focus on this week to build a stronger testimony of our Savior?

This Week's Goal:
*Pass out sticky notes or slips of paper to each family member to set a personal goal.
"I will strengthen my testimony this week by..."

I know our family will probably want to keep building towers! Have fun competing to see who can build a cup tower "minute to win it" style. Can you build the tower in under a minute without it falling? If it falls start again until the minute is up!!

Closing Song: Testimony, Page 137 LDS Hymn Book

Tonight's Treat:

New England Banana Bread
1 1/4 Cups Sugar
1/2 Cup Butter
2 Eggs
1 1/2 Cups Mashed Banana *the more banana the better the bread!
1/2 Cup Buttermilk or Clabber
 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
2 1/2 Cups Flour
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1 Teaspoon Salt
Mix and pour into pans. Sprinkle tops with sugar. Bake @ 350 degrees fro 45-50 minutes. Yields: 3 medium loaves. (I like to use my small loaf pans and I get 4 little loaves perfect for sharing if they make it out of the kitchen!)

Hope this idea helps you have a Fabulous Family Home Evening!


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