Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Come What May and Love It!

This week's FHE is about finding joy and peace even when life is full of hardship. I immediately had this image pop into my mind when I read the title quote from Elder Wirthlin. This palm was all alone on a very windy beach in Mexico that my husband and I visited a few year ago. It had to have struggled to find fresh water and grow amongst the wind but it was surviving and thriving. My goal for this lesson tonight is to teach Madison how to thrive along life's sometimes challenging journey.
Opening Song: I Will Follow God's Plan
Or Family Night https://www.lds.org/music/library/childrens-songbook/family-night?lang=eng
Introduction: Have your family put together a simple puzzle that you have either removed a piece from or mixed a couple of pieces from another puzzle into. I may even print off a couple of family pictures and make my own mixed up puzzle. After giving them some time to solve the puzzle and realizing that they can't talk about how it made them feel. Did they feel frustrated or maybe a little confused? Sad? Did it make them giggle? Was it challenging? Is it ok that we felt a little frustration or sadness? Of course
Introduce the topic using this short video of Elder Wirthlin.
Continue w/ discussion and lesson:
That was a clip from part of a talk Elder Wirthlin gave called: Come What May and Love It. He wants us to understand that EVERYONE feels sadness or frustration at some point in their lives. He said: "The Lord in his wisdom does not shield anyone from grief or sadness. ...The dial on the wheel of sorrow eventually points to each of us. At one time or another, everyone must experience sorrow. No one is exempt."
It is impossible to love days of sorrow when we are in them but we can survive them and eventually thrive.
" If we approach adversities wisely, our hardest times can be times of greatest growth, which in turn can lead toward times of greatest happiness."
Personal Experience: One of the most challenging times in my life so far was waiting for Miss Madison. After losing two previous pregnancies and then waiting 2 more years full of fertility treatments to get pregnant with Madison I often felt unsure of what Heavenly Father had in store for me. It was hard to remain positive. But, the joy that I now feel from this precious little girl made every moment of heartache worth it. Heavenly Father promises us help through times of trial no matter what our individual challenges may be. Elder Wirthlin gave 4 important points to help us through hard times:
Read his whole talk and share either one of his family's laughter stories.
Could we learn to respond to challenging moments in a similar fashion?
Learning to endure hardships is part of our on the job training.
There is a purpose for our hardships
- They stretch our understanding
- Build our character
- Increase our compassion for others
A great example of someone that had much opposition in his life was Joseph Smith.
Read Doctrine and Covenants 121: 7-8 to find out how the Lord comforted Joseph through
his hardships.
 The Lord compensates the faithful for every loss.
Activity: Give one family member 2 pieces of candy and ask them to share a piece with another family member. Tell them that they will be compensated for their loss if they just have faith in you. After they share their candy go on with the lesson.
Elder Wirthlin said: "While it may not come at the time we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude."
Heavenly Father wants us to be HAPPY. If we do our part by being obedient and courageous like we talked about last week He will step in.
Finish the Activity: Tell the family member that gave away a piece of their candy that since they were faithful and gave up a piece of candy even though it may have been hard they can have another piece to make up for the one they gave up. When we choose to do good we are compensated. Share the candy all around!
Read Ether 12:27 Heavenly Father will make weak things become strong.
Elder Wirthlin said: " The simple secret is this: put your trust in the Lord, do your best, then leave the rest to Him."
Closing thought from Elder Wirthlin: I know why there must be opposition in all things, Adversity, if handled correctly, can be a blessing in our lives. We can learn to love it.

This Week's Goal: I will strive to come what may and love it by working on:______________
Encourage each family member to choose one of the four areas talked about in Elder Wirthlin's  talk.

Closing Song: I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go
**The lesson above are my thoughts and opinions. Please use and or change to meet your needs.

Peach Pie (It was just Pi day... better late than never)
Preheat Oven to 425
7-8 Cups Frozen Sliced Peaches, slightly thawed
1 1/4 Cups Sugar
1/4 Cup Minute Tapioca
1/4 teaspoon Cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon
1-2 Tablespoons Lemon Juice
Pie crust of your choice

Combine peaches, sugar, tapioca, cornstarch, cinnamon, and lemon. Let sit for about 15 minutes stirring occasionally.
Roll out crust and place in pie pan. Spoon mixture into crust.
Top with second crust. Pinch edges and cut a few air vents into crust
Cover the edges with foil to prevent over browning
Bake for 30 minutes
Remove foil
Bake for an additional 20- 30 minutes until pie is golden
Let cool for at least 2 hours.
If you don't have time today to make this pie save it for next week... it's totally worth it!
Have a fabulous Family Home Evening!

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