Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Scripture Study


Tonight's Fabulous Family Home Evening is on Scripture Study. As I was reading in Jacob 4 from the Book of Mormon this past week I came upon this verse: "Now in this thing we do rejoice; and we labor diligently to engraven these words upon plates, hoping that our beloved brethren and our children will receive them with thankful hearts, and look upon them that they may learn with JOY and not with sorrow, neither with contempt, concerning their first parents." (Jacob 4:3, emphasis added)
Jacob wants us to find joy in studying the scriptures yet is so often it is a struggle to gather the family to read together or even take the time to do it individually. I miss the days of my mission where daily scripture study was scheduled in. So my goal for this lesson tonight is to recommit to studying the scriptures with a focus on the Book of Mormon. I know we can do it if we really put some effort forth and I know we will find JOY and POWER in the scriptures.
Opening Song: Family Night
Introduce Topic: Have a warm basket of rolls and butter to have the family enjoy. Tell the family we will be talking about Scripture Study by watching a talk given by Julie Beck: "My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures". Encourage family members to listen to find out why the rolls are part of FHE tonight. Also have them listen for 2 ways that Sister Beck studies her scriptures. You can have them write the ideas down on sticky notes and then create a poster after the talk or you can just have a discussion at the end. Use the rolls as an incentive to listen and later participate in the discussion. 
Watch or Read the talk by Julie Beck: https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2004/04/my-soul-delighteth-in-the-scriptures?lang=eng
Questions to ask: What are some of the ways that Sister Beck uses to study her scriptures?
She talked about a couple of prophets that also found joy or delighted in the scriptures, who were they? How did they delight in the scriptures?
Why would I have rolls to share with you tonight?
Activity: Get new inexpensive Book of Mormons for each family member. Have scripture markers ready and turn to the last scripture Sister Beck referred to in her talk: 2 Nephi 4:15-16. Have the family highlight the verses and talk about what it means to them. Have family members share their favorite scripture. Read Jacob 4:3 as a family to introduce the goal for this week.
This Week's Goal:
Encourage family members to have personal scripture study daily. Decide to study as a family on a regular basis. Here are some links to some Book of Mormon reading charts if that is helpful for your family. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgqU0t6xhh8OjNYPvzQLCws154hanO464uTrgirlAwKo7bumaWs9-n0GHU1cm_zlyAIVi4fs5ohxM_wOPF-dfUVJfds0mEYlORY9E3srCmOBnXSLdzVVdsRmP7OJLtSFh3a-wjW0UFu-bw/s1600/individual+book+of+Mormon+reading+chart.jpg
I like this one too... super cute, scroll down to bottom of page for the PDF
"I will find joy and power in studying my scriptures this week!"
Closing Song: Scripture Power
Tonight's Treat:
Homemade or your favorite store bought rolls
Honey Butter
1 cube Butter Softened
2 Cups Honey
2 Egg Yolks
1/4 teaspoon Vanilla
Whip butter and egg yolks together. Gradually add honey and continue beating until quite stiff. Add vanilla. Always keep in the refrigerator!

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