Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Our Prophet Has Some Words For You... (Who Spoke It At Conference?)

General Conference was amazing! I needed to hear each and every talk! I am excited to take the time to re-read and study each talk because I'll be honest it was a little different watching the sessions and trying to entertain a 6-month old. This first time mommy is learning just how amazingly talented all you moms are out there! With that said I thought it would be good to start reviewing conference tonight while its still fresh in our minds. I thought it would be fun to play a guessing game like "Who's Line Is It?" but we'll call it "Who Spoke It At Conference?", where we guess or try to remember which apostle said the quotes I have compiled.  I created a document with some quotes from President Monson and the Quorum of the Twelve. There were other talks that were incredible but to make the activity a little easier I chose to include only the prophet, his counselors, and the twelve. I chose 10 quotes which we will guess the speaker and then discuss the talk. Here are my quotes: Sorry it was a word document, formatted as labels but I couldn't get it to upload so it is here as a picture.
Here is the outline for tonight's lesson:

Opening Song: Stand for the Right Page 159 Children's Songbook https://www.lds.org/music/library/childrens-songbook/stand-for-the-right?lang=eng
Introduce Lesson and Activity: Who Spoke It at Conference?
Show Pictures:
Talk about who these men are and what happened this past weekend.
Then have a family member choose a quote, read it, and try and decide who spoke it at conference. Our family will then go to the talk summary online at lds.org and go over the talks importance. Continue this for each quote. You can have a little prize for the family member if they guess correctly or you can play in teams and tally points at the end, you decide. Since, its just my husband and I that can actually talk we will most likely just go back and forth and discuss.  Answers to the activity: 1. Monson 2. Holland 3. Uchtdorf 4. Bednar 5. Anderson 6. Hales 7. Eyring 8. Nelson 9. Cook 10. Monson

After the activity have each family member share their favorite talk or portion of general conference.
This Week's Goal: Have each family member strive to continually study the words of the prophet and apostles. Encourage them to get online and choose a talk to study this week. Follow up during next week's FHE! Or assign a family member to plan FHE based on the talk they choose to read! Get everyone involved.
Closing Song: We Thank Thee O God For A Prophet Page 19 Hymn Book
Tonight's Treat:
I don't know about everyone else but we are sugared out after this past weekend so tonight we are keeping it simple with Berry Parfaits.
Berry Parfaits
Plain Greek Yogurt
Berries of Choice
Shredded Unsweetened Coconut
Nuts of Choice
Layer yogurt and toppings drizzle with honey or pure maple if you need a little more sweetness!

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